> The Tube Network: A Simple Idea That Is Radically Different

Music = Memories.
It's a simple equation, a simple statement but one that is incredibly powerful. We remember certain times, certain people, and certain places when we hear a song. Some of us, myself included, have a running soundtrack in our heads. At this point in history I am pretty much convinced that there is nothing that cannot be addressed by a rock lyric. Try it sometime, there really is a rock lyric for pretty much any situation you find yourself in.
For those of us who have such a near-psychotic connection to music there is The Tube Music Network.
But what is on TTN is only part of the story. The broadcast of The Tube Music Network will be achieved via a unique concept referred to as "multicasting," which will enable consumers to receive The Tube Music Network, free, over-the-air on new television sets that are enabled with digital tuners and via digital cable service. Multicasting has only recently been possible due to improvements in digital signal transmission compression and new FCC regulations that enable programming to be carried on a broadcaster's digital bandwidth.
In 1996, Congress passed the Telecommunications Act which gave the new digital spectrum to existing broadcasters for the transmittal of digital broadcast signals beginning in 1998. The FCC has mandated the move to the digital spectrum, thus enabling broadcast stations the ability to air additional programming channels.
Hey, an FCC mandate plus the ability to air additional programming channels. Sounds like a new market to me.
US News & World Report Article-4/24/06
More blogs about musicvideo.

I agree that THE TUBE is a great channel. And I think its ticket for a great channel you can just turn on and watch and listen to, I have been TIVOing the hell out of it because I am seeing surprises everyday. I hear that the channel is now cleared in 73% of America and will be rolling out in new markets very soon. I also noticed that you can buy stock in THE TUBE by purchasing shares of its holding company, THE TUBE Media Corp. whose ticker symbol is TUBM and is traded on the Nasdaq over the counter bulletin board. If you go to Yahoo finance its TUBM.OB. THE TUBE Music Network is the core operating business of Tube Media Corp. and is independent from any large media company. Judging by the price, it looks like none of the TUBE viewers realize that this is a public company.
I just can't turn it off!!! I've seen video I've never seen before, songs I've never heard and not a commercial yet!
I'm now listening to new music I never would have been exposed to because I can't stand wading through the content on most pop/alternative/rap/crap radio stations to get to something that is listenable.
Honestly I can't wait until the Fall when they expect their listen hear, buy here portion of the website to become operational. Yes The Tube is creating a whole new market out there. Initially it will be the 35+ target audience but it's going to spread like wildfire to the younger generation.
Visit my blog site: http://allaboutthetube.spaces.msn.com/
to keep up with what's going on in the news with The Tube Music Network
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